10th November, 2020
This year's International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity, organised by Cyberlaws.net, will be hosted virtually from the 25 - 27 November 2020.
The Cyber lawyer expert and Globethics.net Board member, Dr Pavan Duggal, will be directing the conference. This year's conference will focus on addressing distinct COVID-19 cyber challenges, covering a total of 55 topics. Sessions will range from 'Artificial Intelligence, Ethics & Emerging Trends' to 'Peace in Cyberspace & Issues' and the 'Contribution of Fake News in Coronavirus Infodemic'. A special address will be made by the 'father of the internet', Vinton G Cerf, with Globethics.net President and Founder Christoph Stueckelberger, as well as Globethics.net Executive Director, Obiora Ike amongst speakers.
The last year's conference ended with some key recommendations, which focused on engaging in dialogue to find solutions to issues related to data privacy, data harvesting and data farming in association with legal policies and regulations. They also recommended exploring the legal nuances in challenges raised by fake news, and the need to strengthen cooperation on Cybersecurity law.
A call for action to United Nations and various international organisations was made, 'to find solutions to multi-dimensional challenges, to arise out of varied cyberspace based transactions and to educate all stakeholders about the regulation of cyberspace at national, regional and international levels'.
Ahead of the conference, get brush up on Cyber Ethics and Cyberlaw by reading our book Cyber Ethics 4.0: Serving Humanity with Values, which can be accessed for and downloaded for free! Alternatively, you can also access our online learning course on Cyber Ethics.
To find out more and register for this year's conference, please visit: http://cyberlawcybercrime.com/